Hanamaki - The hometown of Miyazawa Kenji -

[By car]About 30 minutes from Hotel City Plaza Kitakami

Miyasawa Kenji(宮沢賢治) is a famous author from Hanamaki who wrote “Night Train to the Stars”(銀河鉄道の夜), “The Restaurant of Many Orders”(注文の多い料理店).
Hanamaki has lots of places associated with him.

*The photo above is Miyazawa Kenji Dowa Mura(宮沢賢治童話村 – Fairy Tale Village)
*The photo below is Miyazawa Kenji Kinenkan(宮沢賢治記念館 – Memorial Hall)
*Google map below : Hotel City Plaza Kitakami ≫ Miyazawa Kenji Dowa Mura